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22 febrero, 2006

Sin categoría

Otra advertencia

La opinión se convirtió en la nueva pornografía del Internet”.

Así lo escribió Trevor Butterworth en un apasionante ensayo publicado por el Financial Times. Transcribo dos apartes del ensayo en el idioma original como una nueva advertencia para todos.

«Each blogger was his, or her, own printing press, spontaneously exercising their freedom to criticise. Which is great. But along the way, opinion became the new pornography on the internet.

And that, in the end, is the dismal fate of blogging: it renders the word even more evanescent than journalism; yoked, as bloggers are, to the unending cycle of news and the need to post four or five times a day, five days a week, 50 weeks of the year, blogging is the closest literary culture has come to instant obsolescence».

Trevor Butterworth. Financial Times. Feb. 17, 2006